Inspirational & Motivational Speaking
Dynamic biblical speaking on a variety of topics for businesses, churches, and organizations.
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Past Topics for Seminars & Speaking

“Fortify Your Faith” Seminar
No matter our status in life, we all encounter a time when our faith wavers or we realize we need a significant boost. It may be the start of a new journey, the desire to reach a higher level, or the aftermath of grave disappointment. It might be the need to walk through an open door or to walk away from a door that has been shut. The scenarios are endless, but the need is the same: faith that is stronger, enduring, and empowering to move forward.

“Out of the Pink” Seminar
Based on Isaiah 1:18-20 “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow...” Many women are in the pink. They have accepted Christ as their Savior and deliverer from their scarlet sins, but they are not quite striving to be “white as snow,” or to truly live for Him. Instead of reaching their full potential in Christ, they settle for their comfort zones. This seminar outlines steps to get “out of the pink” by escaping this trap of mediocrity and striving for continual growth and purpose. (Seminar is based on the book Living in the Pink.)
“Higher Ground”
Life's contradictions help us build character and a deeper trust in God. Through these trials, He is calling all of us to higher ground. “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” – John 15:1-2

“10 Principles to Embrace God’s Promise to You”
Life can be rough, even when you are in the right place, doing the right thing. Discover steps to overcome life’s rough spots, doubt, and to avoid the mistake of giving up or turning away from your destiny. (Based on Sharon’s book Milk and Honey: 10 Principles to Embracing Your Promised Land.)

“Living Saved and Single in the 21st Century”
How should singles view their lives in a nation where marriage or being in a relationship is presented as the ultimate blessing? Has God forgotten you? Of course not! Learn to appreciate the value of singleness.
Sharon speaks on a variety of other topics, including:
The Authentic Woman, Big Mama's Quilt (turning life's scraps and disappointments into God's beautiful story of triumph), and The Art of Sacrifice.