
They Got Daddy
An unforgettable journey through racism and faith across the generations.
January 15, 1959—a day that changed one family forever. White supremacists kidnapped and severely beat rural Alabama preacher Israel Page, nearly killing him because he had sued a White sheriff's deputy for injuries suffered in a car crash. After "they" "got Daddy," Israel Page's children began leaving the Jim Crow South, the event leaving an indelible mark on the family and its future. Decades later, the events of that day fueled journalist Sharon Tubbs's epic quest to learn who had "gotten" her mother's daddy and why.
They Got Daddy follows Tubbs on her moving journey from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to the back roads and rural churches of Alabama. A powerful revelation of the sustaining and redemptive power of faith and unflinching testimony to the deeply embedded effects of racism across the generations, it demonstrates how the search for the truth can offer a chance at true healing.
Order your print copy of They Got Daddy now!
Audiobook version coming soon!
Listen to excerpts
- Gone, Just Gone (4:06)
- Getting Religion (4:27)
- The Klan and Me (4:47)

Possess It: It's Already Yours
This book is your guide to perseverance and fully embracing your calling!
Use it to study with a small group or individually.
Now only $10, plus shipping & handling, for a limited time.
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Have you ever reached a major goal then, after a while, looked around in despair and thought, Is this what I signed up for?
If so, you're not alone. Too many of us don't realize that achieving the dream is just the beginning. The excitement that drove you to start the nonprofit, recite the marriage vows, buy the property, or write the book will fade. Problems arise. Reality sets in, and you'll want to give up.
But wait! Author, leader, and inspirational speaker Sharon Tubbs offers hope and tools to persevere. Sharon uses 10 principles gleaned from the biblical Promised Land story, modern life scenarios, and personal experiences to help you experience God's promises.
Browse more books by Sharon below...

The Healing Place
Spiritual sage and mentor Sister Pinky encounters her toughest assignment when she meets Esther Goutte, a brash young woman who stretches life's boundaries in order to cope. In the midst of a tumultuous ordeal, Pinky must guide Esther toward what she needs most: healing.
Buy your copy of The Healing Place now for SUPER DISCOUNTED PRICE $7, plus $3 for shipping and handling!

Living in the Pink
The novel of short stories that introduced book clubs and church groups across the country to the spiritual wisdom of Sister Pinky.
LIVING IN THE PINK is a series of humorous and insightful short stories with Christian underpinnings. Through the eyes of the wise “Sister Pinky” and Believers Ministries International Church, these stories highlight issues that women grapple with but often remain unspoken in religious circles. The characters are everyday wives, mothers, and singles. They develop and gain a spiritual perspective in dealing with romantic relationships, wayward children, jealousy, church traditions, Christian hypocrisy, and self-righteous judgment, among other themes.
Buy your copy of Living in the Pink now for SUPER DISCOUNTED PRICE: $7, plus $3 for shipping and handling!

40 Days of Faith
A Devotional and Study Guide
The novel of short stories that introduced book clubs and church groups across the country to the spiritual wisdom of Sister Pinky.
Remember that little girl — the one who lay in bed at night looking up toward the ceiling at nothing in particular? The one whose thoughts drifted into the future, envisioning her ideal career; or an adventure in a faraway land; or her sweet, caring, handsome husband with their adorable little kids? That girl was you, and she had dreams, didn’t she? Then life, with all its disappointments, happened. She grew up and stopped dreaming. She began to settle. Her Christian beliefs merely helped her get by in a boring daily routine. Her story, your story, doesn’t have to end that way. Yes, the pressures of life can be discouraging, duping us to believe that our current circumstance is all we have to look forward to. Yet the truth is, God has marvelous plans beyond what we can see, if only we have the faith to endure and step into His promises. In Forty Days of Faith, published by Move Forward Communications, author Sharon Tubbs guides you to a strengthened belief in God’s love and His plans for your life. Through devotionals derived from her life stories and study questions to apply to your own journey, you’ll delve verse-by-verse into the faith-defining words of Hebrews 11:1 – 12:2. You’ll be challenged to yield to God’s leading and truly believe He will carve pathways, open doors, and perform miracles so wonderful, even that little girl inside you never imagined.
Buy 40 Days of Faith now for SUPER DISCOUNTED PRICE: $7, plus $3 for shipping and handling!

Milk & Honey: 10 Principles to Embracing Your Promised Land
Look for an updated version of Milk & Honey in 2021! This book has been revised and is now called POSSESS IT: IT'S ALREADY YOURS!
Milk & Honey: 10 Principles to Embracing Your Promised Land will help you grab hold of God’s abundant vision for your life-a difficult task in today’s world. The idea of finding your purpose has become popular. But knowing your purpose won’t fulfill your destiny. You must also embrace the purpose and stay the course. That’s where the battle lies. The Israelites learned as much when they entered the Promised Land and encountered their fiercest enemies. As you enter your “land of milk and honey,” you, too, will face giant obstacles. You’ll need to know Principle No. 1: Don’t Turn Back. Instead, stay close to God and overcome those enemies. Milk & Honey’s fundamental truths will encourage and motivate you in the fight.