A Word for Uncertain Times
Posted by sharon on Mar 30, 2020

Just before the novel coronavirus literally turned the world upside down, my life was on the upswing. Things I had prayed for finally became reality. Even unexpected opportunities appeared. After years of managing my own career, for instance, I finally found a literary agent to represent me in the publishing industry. Excitement soared. I was happily focused on a new book when another blessing emerged. A friend suggested that I apply for a job to become director of a faith-based nonprofit—something I hadn’t recently considered. I prayed and quickly realized God’s plan behind the whole thing. I applied, got the job, and set my mind on making a difference.
Then came COVID-19. My first day on the job, my boss announced everyone needed to work from home. Suddenly, my new role took a whole new turn. I, along with everyone else, had to shift my plans and mindset to adjust to the needs of the day. At the same time, my agent and I wondered about my latest project proposal. Now, we worked in a state of uncertainty. How should we maneuver the publishing industry when turmoil surrounded so many aspects of life in America?
Through it all, I had to focus—and that’s my word for you, too: FOCUS.
In times like these, our focus is key.
Of course, we must use wisdom and keep ourselves and our families safe. It would be foolish to throw caution to the wind and expect God to protect us without heeding expert advice and using tools available to protect ourselves.
But that’s not the focus I’m talking about. I’m talking about the same focus we should have every day of our lives, no matter the circumstance or pandemic. Focus on God, focus on family, and focus on the assignment God has given us for this time and season.
When everything that seems familiar and routine is disrupted, one sure way to stay grounded is to focus on the God who is unwavering and everlasting. Too often, we let what’s happening around us distract us from what God is doing in us.
That’s why I keep thanking God for the blessings that began before coronavirus revealed itself. My circumstances today are much different than I imagined them just three weeks ago. Yet, I know God wants me to focus, even now, on showing His love through the assignments He’s given me. That’s why I’m intentional about finding ways to serve Him through my new position, the new relationships in my life, the technology I’m using, the skills I’m learning, and the book I’m writing.
What about you? How can you focus on what God is doing in your life, even now? What blessings do you see in the midst of it all? Comment and let us know!
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