You Need to Take This Challenge Before 2020

Posted by sharon on Dec 20, 2019

First of all, I'm praying that you have a precious Christmas, be it with family, friends, or just spending some sweet time alone with the Lord. Even if this season, or this year, has not been what you expected or wanted, rejoice in this: We made it!

    Yes, we did. This year will soon be over, and we'll step into a new decade, the 2020s. We'll call it a fresh start. A new beginning. Another chance to be better, to do better, to make amends.
     It's tempting to throw away 2019 and not look back. We've had some experiences we wish we hadn't. But let's take a breath and remember our blessings and accomplishments over the past 12 months. Even if bad stuff happened, the reality is that somewhere in there, you'll find good things, too. So, I'm taking my cue from Philippians 4:8 and channeling my thoughts to the positive:
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.

     So, I have a challenge for you. Before you start thinking about what you want to change in 2020, reflect on the goodness of 2019. Think about how the rough times strengthened you. Think of how much the good times brought you joy. As we remember the birth of Jesus and unwrap gifts from loved ones, let's wallow in a few gifts He's given us all yearlong. In your journal, write out a list of 5 blessings that happened in your life. If you'd like to share, I'd love to hear about your list and pray with you for a marvelous 2020. Just send me an email, so we can partner together for your best year yet! 

To kick things off, here are my five 2019 personal and professional goodies:
1) I overcame! Situations occurred in my life that brought heartbreak, disappointment, rejection, doubt, you name it. But guess what: I got over it. I prayed and meditated on God's word to build up my trust in His plan for my life. So, here I am, entering 2020 with a smile, even stronger faith, and determination to possess all that God has for me. 
2) I plowed through insecurity! Despite my insecurities and fear of being in front of the camera, I filmed and created several videos. I even added to my YouTube channel. It's small now, but you can expect more in 2020. (Click to visit my channel and subscribe!) 
3) I grew spiritually! This year I quietly prayed to become more sensitive and compassionate, more like Jesus. I wanted to stop being so engrossed in my own life that I was hardened to others' needs and struggles. God began to soften my heart in certain situations. He then confirmed my ongoing transformation through people who noticed a new level of compassion. I'm still a work in progress, but I'm getting better all the time!   
4) I finished a major project! After getting over my video fear, I worked super hard and finally completed my first online course for aspiring faith writers. Whew!  
5) I was consistent! In January, I vowed to distribute at least one encouraging Move Forward newsletter each month. I needed to be more diligent, to stay connected and keep our dialogue going. It pushed me at times. On occasion, I finished the newsletter on the very last day of the month -- but that still counts. I did that!
Sharon Tubbs 

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